2019 粉紅革命慈善午宴

“It is more blessed to give than to receive”.

Bio Signature feels honoured that We have been invited to become the Sponsor of "Pink Inspired Charity Luncheon" which is held by Hong Kong Cancer Fund and Conrad Macao since 2017. It is grateful to work with international brands like Ingrid Millet, DFS, MIDO, DOXA etc. to arouse the social awareness of breast cancer and feminine health.

Upon your long-term supports, Bio Signature becomes more capable to help more and more needies.

Bio Signature will continue to carry the corporate social responsibility, acting as a good model for public, promoting public welfare affairs, and leading the industry to pay more attention in Charity.

Please continue to support Bio Signature – Your most reliable and trustworthy Beauty Enterprise.


Bio Signature 已經連續 3 年獲邀出席香港癌症基金會(HKCF) 與澳門康萊德酒店舉辦的【粉紅革命慈善午宴】,並獲邀成為贊助商,與其他國際知名品牌 Ingrid Millet, DFS, MIDO, DOXA 等攜手喚醒公眾對乳癌及婦女健康的關注。

由衷感謝所有支持 Bio Signature 的朋友,你們過去的支持,讓我們更有能力幫助更多有需要的人!



——— Bio Signature